From Manual to Modern: How PrepAI Scaled Training for a Growing Startup


  • A dynamic startup based in NYC, United States, focusing on developing cutting-edge software solutions for businesses.
  • The company has an employee base of over 150 employees, including interns and freelancers, and is known for its company culture of support, continuous learning, and professional development.

Problem Statement

The startup was good with its client base but was looking to scale employee development programs and training sessions. The HR department proposed to shift from a half-yearly employee training program to monthly sessions and this raised a few challenges:

Employee Training Needs:

Fast growth with different skill levels demands flexible, personal training on new tech.

Assessment Difficulties:

Creating quizzes for every training session manually took longer hours and the process wasn’t reliable. They required different question types to test well, but tracking progress was a pain.

Engagement Issues:

Old-school training sessions just weren’t cutting it anymore. Employees wanted ways to learn that were more hands-on and engaging, especially when it came to testing their knowledge.


The US-based startup company reached out to us amid our lifetime deal promotions and opted for the yearly premium plan. 
    • Their HR executive Maxine took a free product demo from our product head, Abhishek, and walked through the entire quizzing process.
  • After the live demo session, our team worked closely with their HR department to launch PrepAI, our AI-backed quiz generator into their existing systems.
  • We chose our “Yearly Premium Plan”, which includes standard quiz generation, HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions, API access for internal HR teams, and a whole range of our premium add-ons to generate set-wise questions or adjust quizzes as per required difficulty levels.

Business Impact

Including PrepAI in the company’s HR training system transformed its employee development approach, making it more efficient, engaging, and data-driven.

With the first training session, the HR team saved approx. 20+ hours per week spent on manual quiz generation in multiple sets.

The department reported that PrepAI saved them time and effort, allowing them to focus more on creating new training modules, employee engagement, etc.

With PrepAI’s HOTS mode, the questions created were latest, based on real-time workspace problems that helped the HR teams create engaging yet thought-provoking training sessions.

Going with the AI and tech wave by integrating PrepAI into their training processes made the institution look tech-enabled and grabbed more candidates’ attention.

The strategic move of integrating PrepAI into their monthly programs not only addressed immediate training challenges but also positioned the startup for sustained growth.

Assessments, Quizzes, Tests, Exam...
PrepAI can help you create all of it instantly!
