Personalized Online Courses with PrepAI : A Professor’s Success Story


  • A dedicated and experienced English university professor based in California, USA who recently transitioned to online teaching to make a few extra bucks.
  • Focusing on catering to diverse student’s needs with a personalized learning environment, the professor aimed to provide high-quality, engaging educational content.

Problem Statement

After switching to online teaching and making personalized courses, the professor required a good examination/ testing tool for the students that contains challenging yet thought-provoking questions. These were her challenges: 

Difficulty in creating engaging and varied practice questions for students.

Need for subject-wise questions that align with different course materials.

Requirement to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions to challenge advanced students.

Struggle with managing time efficiently while curating the curriculum, and creating diverse question sets.


After a $1 trial for PrepAI, the professor opted for our ongoing lifetime deal and utilized these features from PrepAI:
Personalization of Online Courses:
  • The professor used PrepAI to create quizzes that matched each student’s diverse needs, and intelligence.
  • PrepAI analyzed the candidate’s performance and generated questions that addressed specific learning gaps.
Unique Practice Questions:
  • The professor generated unique practice questions for each student using PrepAI, avoiding repetition with its multiple-set creation feature.
  • PrepAI’s standard mode allowed for creating various questions((MCQ, HOTS, T/F, Fill ups, etc) from the same content.
Subject-wise Questions:
  • She used PrepAI’s subject-specialist mode to create questions specific to the subject areas of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Aptitude, and many more.
  • PrepAI made inputting content and generating custom quizzes for each subject easy.
High-order Thinking Questions:
  • She used PrepAI’s HOTS mode to create challenging questions that encouraged critical thinking.
  • PrepAI helped integrate these HOTS questions into regular practice, keeping students engaged and improving their skills.

Business Impact

The integration of PrepAI into her teaching practice not only saved her time during examinations but led to many changes, including opting for curating online courses as her full-time role.

Positive feedback from students on the variety and relevance of practice questions with a stark 39% increase in student participation and engagement in online courses.

25% improvement in student performance on assessments due to personalized and varied practice questions.

60% reduction in time spent on quiz creation, allowing more time for personalized student support, curriculum planning, and introducing more courses.

It has increased retention rates in online courses due to engaging and personalized practice sessions.

Assessments, Quizzes, Tests, Exam...
PrepAI can help you create all of it instantly!
