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How to Make Fill in the Blank Questions in 5 Steps

How To Make Fill In the Blank Questions

Questionnaires can be a daunting task. They can be time-consuming to create and require a lot of research. However, good question papers are vital for evaluating or assessing a student or candidate’s ability. 

The information gathered by assessments can help educators understand a student’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as how the student is progressing in the course or program. Additionally, these tests can be used to determine whether a student understands the material being taught and whether the student can apply the learning to real-world situations. 

In the case of corporates, they can comprehend an employee’s understanding of their products and services. 

Therefore, these questionnaires need to be tailored to the target audience whether it is made for students or candidates and the questionnaires need to be unbiased.  Hence, many question generators today are working with advanced technologies to provide multiple options to create different forms of question papers like MCQ or elaborated questionnaires.  Yet, most of these platforms do not support fill-in-the-blank questions. Reasons include:

  • Developing MCQ (Multiple-choice questions) is simple and easy. One can add four options for students or candidates to choose from. Responses are set and the tool merely identifies the correct one.
  • As these tools are automated with fixed variables, fill-in-the-blank questions can be challenging to verify as textual answers can vary.
  • Also, if tools are developed with strategic algorithms, fill-in-the-blank questions can lack standard algorithms making it difficult for the platform to understand the answers.
  • As candidates or students fill the blank space with spellings, sometimes incorrect or their way, it can limit the chances of correct answers. This variable is difficult to set in the case of such platforms.
  • Further, reasoning and logical questions can be determined with a definitive answer, but it is not the case with fill-in-the-blank questions. They might also be based on varied understanding and hence answers can vary.

Why Fill In the Blank Questionnaire?

The fill-in-the-blank question helps educators or trainers understand if learners can recall what they have learned.  For these questions, learners use words or numbers to complete the sentence or paragraph. 


The first step is to choose the right technology platform that provides you with such exclusive abilities. A technology-based platform like PrepAI can be a beneficial mechanism for resolving challenges like questionnaires with fill-in-the-blank details. By automating the process, respondents can easily complete the questionnaire and provide accurate data. This new technology makes questionnaires easier and more efficient to use. These technologies also help reduce the amount of time needed to complete a fill-in-the-blank questionnaire. It also helps ensure that the questions are accurately answered.

This is where platforms PrepAI can be beneficial. The smart tool with AI enables educators and hiring authorities to automatically generate questions for training in a corporate setup or exams for students. The platform supports the automated questions generated from the text and inputs provided through video URLs, topic searches, or field uploads.  

How To Make Fill In the Blank Questions Using PrepAI:

Step 1– Create a free account or signup for a free account. Provide all the details as required in the form, and submit. You will receive a verification code in the email used while registering. Enter the code in the space provided and click verify.

Step 2– Choose the content source and add the content from the search page or upload a PDF or DOCX file. If you are a paid subscriber then you can also paste video links.

Step 3– In this stage, click on generate a question to get a list of AI-generated questions. You can choose the required questions and do away with the not required ones by simply selecting ‘Not required’ for the questions you don’t need. 

Step 4– Once the list of questions is generated, you can edit or add new ones from the edit question tab.

Step 5– When you are satisfied with the questions, preview all of them before downloading. After confirming the list, click the ‘Finalize questions” to download the fill-in-the-blanks questions.

Benefits of Fill In the Blank Questions With PrepAI

  • The AI question generator helps teachers and corporates with new ideas for questionnaires. 
  • It helps them create engaging questions.
  • Select topics from multiple sources to create a single questionnaire.
  • It is a time-effective tool
  • Easy to use interface with multiple features

PrepAI Is Beneficial For:


Schools, colleges, or universities can benefit greatly from PrepAI. Universities can customize the platform as per their requirements, and use it as a white-label platform for their institutions with their brand name. It can be used by multiple teachers and staff members for standard assessment across the institute. The interface can be swiftly employed by teachers to create impactful questions for exams and test purposes. Also, with the PrepAI automated question generator, teachers can easily create bulk questions for their students. Like, when a special course is conducted or a course is completed, these questions can help educators understand how much the students have learned from the particular session or course.


Even corporates can leverage the AI tool to create the most intriguing questionnaires for their candidates during training or onboarding. For example, when you have new candidates joining the team, orientation is a must. After orientation, you can create a fill-in-the-blank question to evaluate what they have learned from the session. It will also help you understand how much the new candidates have learned about the company’s service or product. It can be an advantageous method as it can help them gauge a candidate’s future capability and even understand their scope of improvement. 

Edtech Companies

The Edtech companies have been witnessing a high surge among students of all ages for learning extra courses and skills. Along with providing the best course and syllabus, the companies can utilize the PrepAI platform to generate fill-in-the-blank questions for students when they take the assessment test to understand how well they have grasped the courses. These questions can help analyze the learning and outcome of each course. 


Therefore, question generator tools are extremely worthwhile for institutes and corporates as they help in developing questions relevant to the topic. They assist in communication and understanding, as well as generate new ideas and solutions. Such tools can be used to assess the comprehension levels of individuals. In addition, they are a cost-effective way to improve the quality of education and training.
