Create aptitude tests using online advanced test generator software and conduct assessments through the same interface. Here, we’ll discuss the detailed steps to generate aptitude tests in PrepAI and ways to ace the assessments.
Aptitude tests are among the most commonly conducted online and offline tests in schools, colleges, and companies. From university entrance exams to recruitment selections, aptitude tests are used to measure the analytical, reasoning, and decision-making skills of the candidate.
There are many online aptitude question-and-answer posts to help people practice and set up these tests (for self-assessment and conducting individual/ group-level exams). But what if you want to create a fresh question paper? What if you want to conduct the test on the same platform?
Most Advanced Test Generator – PrepAI is the answer. You can create and conduct a test to assess the logical and reasoning skills of any number of candidates using this AI tool. PrepAI can also be used for free.
In this blog, we’ll find out more about what aptitude tests are and learn how to set up the tests using an online test marker like PrepAI.
What are Aptitude Questions?
Aptitude is the natural ability of a person to understand, reason, learn, analyze, and perform an action. A combination of aptitudes makes a person capable, efficient, and successful in completing specific tasks. By assessing a candidate’s aptitude, the HR team can determine if the person is the right fit for the job. Of course, aptitude questions alone don’t give conclusive results. Personality tests and interviews are also conducted to filter and identify the best candidate for the job. However, an aptitude test is used as the initial screening or filtering method to create a long list of potential candidates.
Aptitude questions deal with an array of topics and themes. From lingual to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), logical, artistic, spatial, etc., aptitude tests can cover various types of skills a candidate should possess to be eligible for the position. Aptitude tests can combine different topics or focus on a specific skill set like mechanical, linguistic, situational judgment, critical thinking, etc.
How to Generate Aptitude Questions Online
You can easily set up an aptitude exam to recruit eligible and worthy candidates for the job. The best and most cost-effective method is to use an online assessment platform like PrepAI.
Follow the below steps to create an aptitude test online for free:
- Open the Most Advanced Test Generator – PrepAI website and click on the Get Started button at the top right corner. Login to your account or sign up to create a free account. The process is simple and takes only a couple of minutes.

2. After signing in, you will see this neat interface with two active test modes. For aptitude tests, use subject mode to generate questions.

- Select Aptitude from the Subject (Domain Expertise) drop-down field.

- Then select the type of aptitude test you want to create. PrepAI offers a long list of topics to choose from. Alternatively, you can manually enter the topic name in the custom topic selection.

- After selecting the topic, choose the difficulty level of the aptitude test paper. There are three options- Easy, Medium, and Hard.

- Click on the Generate Questions button and wait for a few seconds. The online test generator will automatically create a list of questions.

- Next, you can edit each question manually to change the wording or sentence structure. You can also keep or delete the auto-generated questions. Click on the pencil icon on the right corner of each question to edit the text. Upload an image to go with the question if you want to include visual content. Similarly, click on the view answer button to check the answer provided by PrepAI and make changes if necessary.

- Use the three-level smiley rating option to rate the aptitude test paper. Rating the questions will help the algorithm understand your preferences and create personalized test papers over time. This will save time as you’ll have to make fewer edits. You can also provide text feedback to the tool.
- After you are done with the edits and deletions, click on Preview Question Paper.

- The aptitude test paper will be loaded as a new page. You can go back and edit or click on the conduct test button. Click on the generate sets buttons if you want to create more aptitude tests for the same topic.

- You can create an aptitude test for practice (for self) or for others. Click on the appropriate option.

- Enter the test name, marks for each question, and the date and time deadline. Then, click on the Finalize Test button.
- You can download the aptitude test paper in PDF, MS Excel, JSON, or MS Word formats. You can also share it with others via email to conduct the test online.
- The aptitude questions from the online test paper can be accessed through your PrepAI dashboard. You can go back to edit/ delete/ download the question paper or conduct a test from the same interface.

PrepAI uses advanced artificial intelligence and NLP (natural language processing) algorithms to generate customized assessments based on your requirements. You can also use PrepAI to create different types of tests (including science and formula-based mathematical questions).
The platform has a clean and user-friendly interface. It lets users generate tests through different input methods, such as uploading a PDF or Word document, copy-pasting text, using a built-in search box, and converting video content into text (through URLs). Prep AI is built on Bloom’s Taxonomy framework to create questions that focus on the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) of the candidates. You can request API access to integrate PrepAI with your existing HR systems and conduct recruitment tests effectively.

How to Create Aptitude Questions: Tricks and Tips
Creating aptitude test MCQs online is easy when you use platforms like PrepAI. However, it’s essential to be clear about the whats and whys before generating the test paper.
Types of Aptitude Tests
Though there are several topics/ types covered in aptitude tests, these are broadly classified into the following.
Verbal Reasoning
As the name suggests, verbal reasoning questions deal with how the candidates understand and comprehend the given text to provide a suitable and relevant answer. This type of aptitude test is conducted for positions where reading and comprehension form a major part of daily activities. Journalists, content writers, legal assistants, customer care representatives (those who answer emails and messages), etc., are some examples.
Numerical Reasoning
Numbers and math form the crux of numerical reasoning aptitude tests. This can further be divided into different topics like time and distance, accounting, Venn diagrams, number series, etc. This test is conducted for candidates who apply for finance, accounting, marketing, and data analysis jobs, or those who have to work onsite for construction, engineering, etc.
Logical Reasoning
Logical reasoning aptitude tests assess the comprehension, reasoning, and logical thinking abilities of the candidates. The questions deal with pattern analysis, sequences, seating arrangements, puzzles, conditional reasoning, deductive reasoning, fuzzy logic, and more. This type of test is conducted for managerial positions and many other jobs that require candidates to make frequent decisions.
Abstract Reasoning
Abstract reasoning tests deal with a candidate’s ability to understand shapes, patterns, concepts, etc., that are not clearly defined. Inferring and decision-making, deontic logic, attention to detail, and similar topics are covered here. This type of aptitude test is great for assessing the problem-solving skills and crisis management talent of the candidates. It is also useful for creative jobs like designing, architecture, etc.
Technical Aptitude
The online aptitude test questions and answers for this type are limited to the technical skills and knowledge required for the job. For example, numerical computation is included for quantitative jobs. Mechanical comprehension is evaluated for jobs where the candidates work with machines and automobiles. Programming language comprehension tests are designed for software developers. Technical aptitude is combined with other types of tests to get a clear idea about the candidate’s skills, knowledge, and abilities.
Purpose of the Aptitude Test
Why are you conducting the aptitude test? Answer this question clearly before you choose the type of test and generate a question paper. Aptitude tests have become a standard in the recruiting process since this helps measure the candidates’ abilities without bias. However, you will get the right results when the test type and questions align with the purpose, intent, and job description.
Matching Job Skills with Aptitude Test
Typically, a single type of aptitude test may not be enough to determine if the candidate is the right choice for the job. Many roles require technical, cognitive, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities in varying percentages. For example, an entry-level job may need quantitative or lingual comprehension and less problem-solving abilities. However, a mid-level position demands capable candidates who can excel in multiple roles and handle complex situations with ease. Create an aptitude test after analyzing the roles and responsibilities of a job.
Choosing the Question Types
MCQs (multiple choice questions) are the standard type used in aptitude tests. However, you don’t have to use only the question type or format. Open-ended questions are equally useful to understand the personality of the candidates and assess their logical thinking abilities in an online aptitude test. True or false questions may not be that effective as there’s a 50% chance of choosing the right answer even if the candidates don’t know the question.
Simulation and practical tests are also conducted as aptitude tests to check how the candidates might respond to real-life scenarios. This test type requires more resources compared to other formats.
How to Solve Aptitude Questions?
While creating aptitude tests is one side of the coin, the other side pertains to solving the questions in less time. Practice makes it easier to ace aptitude tests as you get used to the patterns and types of questions. You can attempt online aptitude tests posted on various sites. However, with more establishments creating their own question papers, following a similar method might be more helpful.
Luckily, candidates can also use PrepAI to create aptitude questions to practice online and fine-tune their skills. The platform assists students, employees, teachers, mentors, and recruiters equally.
Follow the same steps from the above section to create multiple aptitude tests for practice and score higher marks in the final assessment. Here are a few more tips to efficiently solve aptitude questions.
Identify and Focus on Weak Areas
Everyone has a weak area or two when it comes to aptitude tests. Practice helps identify such issues and work on them. For example, if you score fewer marks in logical reasoning tests, it implies you need to pay more attention to this area and continue practicing until the score increases. This may not be possible with online practice tests that tend to combine all types of questions in a single paper. Free online test maker tools like PrepAI are a great choice as you can create multiple tests exclusively focusing on a particular topic to strengthen your weak areas. Moreover, there’s no limit to the number of tests you can generate using the platform.
Understand Different Types of Aptitude Tests
Each type of aptitude test has its own specifications and topics. Knowing them will help you become better prepared to answer any type of test on the actual assessment day. For example, STEM aptitude tests contain mathematical questions as well as topics from chemistry, physics, biology, etc. These are usually formula-based or equation-based.
On the other hand, logical aptitude tests deal with analysis, comprehension, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, etc. Coherence and critical thinking are the key focus areas. You might have noticed that aptitude tests deal with higher-order thinking skills. This platform will help create aptitude questions that align with the HOTS levels.
Practice Time Management
Aptitude tests are competitive and are conducted with tight deadlines. You need to get used to solving the test paper in the given time frame. How you manage your time can affect your performance in the final assessment. Repeated practice is beneficial as it makes you familiar with the test format and topics. However, you still need to set a timer and work on individual sections accordingly. Fortunately, aptitude test prep with PrepAI is convenient and aids in time management. The tool lets you create timed self-assessment tests so that you can answer mock exams and improve your chances.
Stay Away from Distractions
One thing you can never afford during aptitude tests is a distraction. Get used to staying focused on the test for the entire duration. Turn off your mobile phone and sit in a silent room when you practice. Whether it is online or offline, don’t let other candidates’ expressions and mutterings disturb your focus or increase your anxiety. You need to be calm and pay attention to the questions and answer them correctly.
Skip Complex Questions (Come Back Later)
What if you come across difficult questions? Don’t waste time on those and move on to the next questions. You can always come back to unanswered questions once you finish the rest of the paper. This will save you time and also prevent you from feeling frustrated or stressed. Furthermore, you don’t have to answer all the questions, especially if there is a negative marking. Leave complex questions for the last.
Read the Questions Thoroughly
One mistake many candidates make in aptitude questions is to misread the questions or skim through and select the answer. Just because the question seems familiar doesn’t mean you already know the answer. Aptitude tests also measure your observation and comprehension skills. Read the question slowly and understand it. Then, provide the answer. Don’t assume the answer because you’ve attempted a similar question in the practice tests.
Where can I get Aptitude MCQ Questions and Answers?
You can find aptitude questions in many places. The internet has various free and paid tests available for users to practice. You can also buy aptitude test books from the market. However, many educational institutions and companies have shifted to test generator platforms. The aptitude tests from recent times are more advanced and different from the traditional sets.
Hence, it is better to rely on online question generator platforms like PrepAI to create and solve aptitude tests. The platform provides questions and answers so that you can conduct self-assessments and measure the results immediately. It is time-saving and cost-effective.
Generating aptitude questions online is simple and hassle-free with PrepAI. You don’t even have to enter any input data. Simply select Aptitude as the subject and generate questions. Personalizing is another advantage of using PrepAI.
The platform is available as a free and paid tool. The company offers Whitelabel services and API integrations for business organizations to create recruitment tests within their existing systems.