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7 Interesting Ways EdTech is Democratizing Education

Ways Edtech is Democratizing Education

Democratization of education requires reforming the upbringing i.e. the complete education. This includes raising the foundation of education and decentralizing it. The foundation believes in channeling freedom and liberation from the beginning. The belief also states that only a teacher who is free can teach students about democracy to build a free democratic system.

Before we dive into details about democratizing education, let us learn more about EdTech and its application for building a new education system.

How Tech is Changing Education?

E-learning, virtual classrooms, and online classes— we cannot ignore the fact that technology has changed the face of education. In fact, about 81% of US educators admitted that the use of EdTech has drastically improved in 2020 for building closures in response to COVID-19. This revolution has not only improved the accessibility to education but also the quality of education.

EdTech expands the opportunities and possibilities for both students and teachers. With the use of multimedia, its features such as audios, videos, music, PowerPoint presentation, animation infographics, gifs communication and innovative ideas are enhanced.

AI and AR are not a far-off reality and have stepped into the education sector to level up the EdTech game. 3D arts definition apps and automated grading systems help improve the weak areas of the student. However, this might develop a social phobia in students. This is where the democratization of education comes into the frame and introduces the concept of freedom.

How Does EdTech Transform Teaching and Learning?

As per a recent survey, the EdTech and e-learning market is projected to reach about 243 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2022. With online teaching apps and classroom management apps, students’ performance can be evaluated in real-time. Thus, assisting teachers to support performance and work on the weak areas of the students. Not just teaching procedures, the grading system has also gone through major changes, thanks to the latest technology. With an automated grading system, multiple-choice questions are now a major part of the system.

EdTech is not only helping the existing students but also encouraging new students to take up education. Online study material is accessible on the web for thousands of students. A projection for 2025 predicts that the investment for EdTech is going to dramatically increase in several segments. 

What is Democratization of Education?

The emerging EdTech shift in the world can revolutionize learning. The multidimensional aspects of EdTech give students a choice to pick their educational path and control their educational goals. In most democratic classrooms, teachers engage students in extracurricular activities as per the choice of the students. For instance, some students might choose to construct things and give up worksheets or paperwork. This is exactly what democratization of education focuses on— allowing students to choose an area of study and build their entire educational plan around the specific subject.

Democratization of education also opens the classroom for debates and encourages students to vote and have a voice in deciding the process of daily activities and educational tasks. This can also go up to adding flexibility in students’ life by allowing them to work as per their own studying schedules. In other words, democratic education is a form of student body government that places the real power for decision-making in the foundation of the education and educational plans and programs.

​​Is Educational Democratization for Any Good?

Thanks to EdTech and the democratization of education, a student from a small village is now open to the same opportunities as a student enrolled in Oxford University. This indicates that the education system is leveling up in ways no one could have ever predicted. Similar to democracy that elicits feelings of autonomy and freedom— educational democratization evokes thoughts of freedom and power of decision-making. 

The democratization is not only limited to the kindergarten or elementary education system but also applies to higher education systems. With a more flexible structure in order, students are open to learning opportunities of a lifetime. This applies to all subjects and societies— increasing the rate of internationalization and globalization. We can say that the latest policy of democratization focuses on universal inclusion to fully democratize the education system across the globe.

7 Ways EdTech is Democratizing Education

Democratized education implements freedom of control and choice and control for students. This enables them to choose their own educational goals and plans. Here are some ways in which EdTech is democratizing education:

1. Top educators around the world are now available online

A Yale professor is now available to many students from around the world, not just the students or alumni from Yale. This levels up the education system by allowing students to connect with experts. Students are open to choosing their careers due to an increase in online courses on the internet. Now, fashion designing is not a far-fetched reality for a person from an engineering family background.

2. Personalized assessment and feedback is available to students

Personalized assessment and feedback help students improve their grades and performance with the help of end-to-end feedback. With artificial intelligence and augmented reality, the grading and assessment system has reached new heights of technological advancement. Thus, saving time and improving the quality of each feedback.

3. Improves the quality of communication and interaction 

Students have conveyed the core of the lesson plan through multimedia and other technological advancements that help them enhance their knowledge. With ease in communication and an increase in interaction from both sides, teachers and students, it is easier to build a strong foundation of the particular field of study.

4. Education is now available for cheap prices and free

History has been witness to a large scale of illiteracy due to a lack of funds and resources. The digital age has made it easier for students to access free courses and find useful educational content without having to pay higher fees. With new government plans, internet accessibility is being solved for students in poorer school districts, empowering them to choose their path.

5. Ease of joining different communities of experts 

Democratizing education is similar to building a student body of government allowing students to vote for their favorable government bodies. With new-age apps and social media groups, students can join preferred communities of experts, helping them feel belonging to their passion and hobbies.

6. Facilitating greater participation in educational activities

With freedom of choice and alternative ways to engage comes the ease of participating in various educational activities. Thus, helping students become more active and invest their time in their passion and build something valuable. The sports and lifestyle sector is no longer considered a distraction for students, rather a path to unleashing their creativity to build successful careers.

7. Increased student motivation and achievement

The numerous options excite students to engage in preferred activities and feel free to pick their educational path. This encourages them to study with great motivation, which leads to higher performance. It also develops a sense of achievement in students when they reach their goals with efficiency.

How Can EdTech Help Revolutionize Education?

With increased startups and new-age careers, EdTech is facilitating every student with the required resources without burdening them with economic challenges. Companies like DataToBiz are coming up with smart solutions for educational professionals. Their services include easy-to-use question paper creator and access to AI and ML for creating tech products. This allows better engagement, communication, assessment and feedback for students.

With high-end educational products and the democratization of education, learning will become easier, better and less reductant for both teachers and students. Thus, bringing a revolutionary wave of more subject matter experts in various fields such as PR, gaming, mixology, etc. This breaks the social norms of aiming for more conventional careers. Also, eliminating the hustle to face restrictive environments and stand out from the social norms.


As the new generation is showing their interests in new-age careers and lockdown has restricted their traditional educational process, this is the right time to promote Edtech and to democratize education. With the access to social media and higher awareness in students, the yearning for knowledge is seen tremendous growth. 

Let us revolutionize the educational system with the help of EdTech and allow students to choose their preferred path and empower them to make crucial decisions. This will also open great opportunities for the faculties to become the face of eminent educational institutes with access to technology. Thus, expanding their reach and becoming pioneers in the educational sector.

Implement edtech solutions like PrepAI in your organization and dominate the education industry. Talk to our expert today.
