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Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Approach to Facilitate Effective Learning

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Approach to Facilitate Effective Learning

Creating an environment in which students enjoy learning is one of the most essential elements of being an effective teacher. You can employ all sorts of strategies and lesson plans, but if your students don’t comprehend the information you’re teaching them, none of it will matter. Developing the skills needed to learn from Bloom’s taxonomy is key to creating an effective classroom environment in which your students can benefit from your instruction. To learn more about this learning method, check out this article on reaping the benefits of Bloom’s taxonomy in the classroom!

In this blog, we will mainly learn about the cognitive domain of bloom’s taxonomy. Assessments work best when the student doesn’t know they’re being assessed.

What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?

Bloom’s taxonomy, developed by education researcher Benjamin Bloom, is a framework that can be used to evaluate the different levels of cognitive learning students achieve as they work through the course material. This type of evaluation helps educators target their lessons so that students learn in the most effective way possible. It also provides teachers with an easy way to measure how much students are actually learning during their time in class. 

Why is Bloom’s Taxonomy Important?

When it comes to learning, not all methods are created equal. Some approaches are more likely to lead to productive, long-term knowledge retention than others. This is where Bloom’s taxonomy comes in. By providing a framework for how information should be presented to students, Bloom’s taxonomy can help teachers ensure that their students are really learning, and not just memorizing. This approach to learning encourages students to go beyond simply recalling information and instead think critically about what they are studying. Because the approach is flexible, it can be adapted to different subject areas and different types of learners. Assessments work best when the students don’t know they are being assessed. So a learning plan can be customized for the students accordingly.

Six Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Its Importance

The six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Each level is important in its own way, but together they provide a comprehensive approach to learning.

Six levels of bloom's taxonomy and its importance

Knowledge level

At the Knowledge level, students can be asked to memorize facts or definitions. Common activities might include flashcards or matching games. For instance, if the topic is a famous historical event. Questions like “how many…? Who was it that…? Can you name the…?” fall under this category. 

Comprehension level

At the Comprehension level, students can be asked to demonstrate their understanding of the material by summarizing or paraphrasing. Common activities might include short answer questions or fill-in-the-blank exercises. For instance, if it is a chapter from literature. Questions like, “Can you write in your own words…? Can you write a brief outline…? What do you think could have happened next…?” fall under this category.

Application level

At the Application level, students can be asked to use what they have learned in a new situation. Common activities might include completing an activity sheet with multiple choice answers, completing worksheets, and participating in a role-play. For instance, if it is a chapter on science. Questions like “Choose the best statements that apply… Judge the effects of… What would result …?” fall under this category.

Analysis level

At the Analysis level, students will explain the logic behind events. They will critically examine research papers and provide evidence for their analysis of text materials. Students will draw conclusions from past events, and engage in debate about topics like racism and discrimination. They will also offer suggestions for possible solutions. For instance, it is a literature chapter. Questions like, “Which events could have happened…? If … happened, how might the ending have been different? How was this similar to…” fall under this category.

Synthesis level

Students at the Synthesis level will study different elements and ideas and combine them to give birth to new ideas or structures. They will learn how to identify common themes and patterns and draw conclusions from them. For instance, creating a presentation or project that integrates two previously studied topics such as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice with Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. 

Evaluation level

At the evaluation stage, students will learn how to form critical judgments on different topics. They will learn how to give opinions based on certain criteria and standards and support them with logical reasoning and evidence. It is the highest level of thinking and requires the most complex mental processes. For instance, if it is a science experiment. Questions like “What criteria would you use to assess…? What data was used to evaluate…? How could you verify…?” fall under this category.

To reap the benefits of Bloom’s taxonomy, teachers should not try to address all levels during any given lesson. Instead, teachers should plan lessons around one specific level (knowledge, comprehension, etc.) which is appropriate for their audience. Once this level has been met, the next level can then be addressed. By using Bloom’s Taxonomy in this way, every student will receive a quality education from kindergarten through high school graduation or university.

With our tool PrepAI, you can easily include Bloom’s taxonomy format into your learning method to create a richer learning experience for your students and learners.

Examples of Bloom’s Taxonomy

With this framework, the teacher can create questions that lead a student through each level of Bloom’s taxonomy: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. The idea is that if the teacher poses questions in a way that incorporates these five levels, all learners will be engaged and actively participating in the lesson. 

For example, the question is, “What were some of the causes of World War II?” The answers of the students would vary at every level of Bloom’s taxonomy.

  • At the Remembering (remember) stage, students might recall one or two possible causes of World War II but not give any specific reasons. 
  • At the Understanding (understand) stage, students might list different causes that they remember by hearing about them earlier. 
  • At the Analysis (analyze) stage, students might give specific examples of how certain events led to World War II and the reason why it began in the first place. 
  • And finally, at the Creation (create) stage, students will offer their own opinion on the subject based on knowledge learned throughout the course. 

While this may seem overwhelming at first, don’t worry! Bloom’s taxonomy is really just a handy guide that makes it easier to get your point across by asking probing questions and paying attention to the response. It also ensures that everyone in the class has an opportunity to share their thoughts on the subject. You’ll see just how easy teaching with Bloom’s taxonomy can be when you use our question generation platform.

Applications of Bloom’s Taxonomy

There are many ways that you can apply Bloom’s taxonomy in your classroom to encourage productive learning. Here are a few ideas:

1) Create teaching objectives for the lesson and identify the levels of the taxonomy that will be covered.

2) Provide appropriate pre-knowledge on the topic at hand before starting a new unit of study.

3) Engage students by using questions and activities at all levels of the taxonomy to get them thinking critically about what they are learning, and not just remembering information as facts.

4) Make sure to provide opportunities for hands-on activity or experimentation so that students can see how the knowledge they’re gaining applies to their own life and environment. 

5) Give feedback through assignments and discussions so that students know where they stand on each level of understanding so far.

Our tool PrepAI can help you generate questions that fit within all these categories of bloom’s taxonomy for almost all topics. You can create a better learning experience for your students using our tool.

How Bloom’s Taxonomy Is Useful for Teachers?

The great thing about Bloom’s Taxonomy is that it can be used for any subject matter and any age group. It is also a very flexible approach that can be adapted to the needs of the individual learner. As a teacher, you can use Bloom’s Taxonomy to structure your lesson plans in order to help students learn more efficiently.

Another useful way to use Bloom’s Taxonomy is when you want students to evaluate what they have learned. You can challenge them with higher-level questions and tasks so they are able to prove their understanding of the material in question.

The most important aspect of this framework is that teachers are able to identify how well their students are learning based on which category each student falls into as they go through your lesson plan or assignment. They can then adjust accordingly if they see some students struggling. If a student has difficulty at one stage of the task but excels at another, then you know where to focus your teaching efforts next time around.

Bloom’s taxonomy helps us understand why some students seem like they aren’t paying attention during class while others are eager to do all the work given to them.

Why are We Introducing Bloom’s Taxonomy to PrepAI?

We are introducing bloom’s taxonomy to PrepAI, because it has several benefits for learners like: 

  • Ability to break down learning objectives into smaller, more manageable goals, so it’s easier to achieve them. 
  • A better understanding of what needs to be done to meet the set objectives. 
  • Develop higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis and synthesis. 
  • Leads to more productive learning. For example, when teaching a unit on classification systems, instead of just giving students a list of terms to memorize, teachers should ask questions that lead to an understanding of the different parts of a classification system. Students will then be able to synthesize new knowledge from previous lessons with new information learned from this lesson. 
  • Analyze the effectiveness of their newly created classification system. 
  • Evaluate the work by applying it to a real-world scenario (to show what is learned). The final step would be practicing so that these newly acquired skills become second nature.

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How to Construct a Bloom’s Taxonomy Assessment

If you want to create an assessment that encourages productive learning, you should focus on using Bloom’s Taxonomy. To construct a Bloom’s Taxonomy assessment, start by identifying the level of knowledge you want your students to achieve. Then, create questions or tasks that will assess this knowledge. Be sure to include a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, short answer, and essay. Asking students to recall information they have learned will encourage them to study more thoroughly before taking the test. You can also ask them questions about how they can apply what they have learned (applying). 

For example: 

  • What did you find difficult about these activities?
  • Why do you think some people would enjoy these activities?
  • What kind of thinking skills were used in these activities? 
  • How could I improve my performance in these activities? 

We at PrepAI encourage the other four levels, analyzing, evaluating, creating, and understanding all involving higher-level thinking skills. By asking students to analyze the information they have learned (analyzing), they’ll be forced to go beyond rote memory and break down complex concepts into smaller parts.


There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to applying bloom’s taxonomy in the classroom. Before creating any assessment or designing a course using Bloom’s Taxonomy, the focus should be to assess the learner’s capabilities first and set appropriate learning goals according to that. Your aim should be to create the learning experience in a way that the students engage in all the levels of bloom’s taxonomy. Our tool PrepAI can help you create assessments, courses, and learning material following Bloom’s taxonomy guidelines. If you want detailed guidance on how to apply bloom’s taxonomy in your teaching methods, you can sign in for our detailed webinar or connect to our BT expert for guidance. 
